Thursday, December 29, 2011

I think Falling InLove is a matter of Seconds

I never fall to someone I don't know , to someone I never admire or like or to someone I cannot see....
Last week i met a stranger from other place through net working sites.. I saw him and accept his offer in being a friend on facebook, when he asked me about my cell number I give it without hesitation because I thought it will be a good opportunity to have a friend as a textmate...
Soon we became close ...I always hold my cell and I always report to him whatever I do, feel or likes...but this feeling didn't last long because I doubt his loyalty...I know that it is unfair on his part but on my mind I feel the guilt.

He asked me if I have a boyfriend, I answered him politely " No, I don't have." then He asked, "Why?" I answered, "because I am afraid... afraid to love because I know that when you love someone you will experience happiness and the worst part of my life
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