Thursday, May 24, 2012

X note (Oure path)

         He is the first person that I conquer in the X - Note . Well maybe because he looks like Near in Death Note ,you know all white those stuff ...

If you want to have the final ending of him you need to train  Psychokinesis. In the Chapter 4 you need to have the maximum of Psychokinesis and in Chapter 5 obtain a minimum of level 8 for Clairvoyance and level 9 for Telepathy.

To obtain the bonus scene you need to obtain the maximum levels of Essi's psychic abilities.

These are the scenes that I had when I am with Oure
When I am sick and decided to go to school
My birthday present from him

When I figure out that Oure is not living
Sleeping with Oure in school corridor
Before that he told me what happen to him and to my surprise I figure out that X did not kill him. He tried to protect him from other children but when he release his power he could not control it and then Oure died.
By the way X's name is Xirr.
Xirr tried to protect Oure
While Essi is sleeping Oure is disappearing
In the Day 30 , Essi found the secret laboratory behind the skeleton in the science room. He found Oure in a coma and also the missing person Loil. When you obtain the maximum abilities of Essi, she can dodge a bullet by her mind but it has limits so....
Oure sleeping
Then here comes the backup... The Upholder of Love and Peace "Rexus"
Essi will remember Oure's words before he left her.
The Ending
 Essi waits for Oure to get up.

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