Saturday, February 2, 2013


The story of AKB0048 started when this four girls (Yuka,Orine,Nagisa and Chieri) saw the performance of the legendary Idol group AKB0048 in the Lancastar, well Idols was banned because of the KIRARA...
Soon after the performance the four of them decided to become an Idol... In the episode 1, Yuka, Orine and Nagisa was having a difficulty because AKB0048 is banned on their country plus Nagisa's father is one of the official of DES so it would be a shame to become an Idol while on Yuka, her childhood friend and lover Mamoru hates AKb0048 and don't want her to fight with the Des in short, he is worrying for her and Orine already lost her parents but she loves the place where she works and also the engine she is taking care of...but in the end they choose to follow their dream - to became an idol..

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