Saturday, August 4, 2012

X Note (Anon's Path)

I decided to conquer Anon because he is a very interesting person.On the outside he looks like a pervert man in the way he acts in front of Essi but I know that behind that smile there is something that sorrowful story behind.
Anon is cooking

 When I am sick and decided to go to school, I suddenly lost my consciousness then Anon bring me at home. He also made a vegetable meal for me but it is beyond Essi's taste.
Coffee Shop : Meeting place of Essi and Anon on her birthday

The dateof Essi and Anon
 I decided to go to the Mirage Park for the date of Essi and Anon. When they are going back, Anon run in the shore and Essi followed him. Before they went home, they both saw a shooting star.
Essi is following Anon in the shore

They both saw a shooting star
Anon is sleeping

Anon is X !!!
When Essi decided to go to school at night, she saw Anon in the computer lab sleeping. She tried to read his memory but she saw that his memories are broken and she also noticed that Anon is a physic, ( powerful one). Then she conclude that maybe Anon is X...

Anon did not deny it either because he did not know his childhood memories.He decided to go in this school because it has an impact to him and he feels that it is the key where he can find his lost identity.

Essi really wants to know that truth so she asks Anon if he is X and she also wants to help Anon to know his childhood past.

Anon give her the permission to read his mind.

At first, she was really shock when she saw Anon's memories and soon she feel sad for him.

She saw the image of "X "in Anon's memories

Essi lost her consciousness while reading Anon's mind. When she wake up, she on a piggy ride in Anon's back. Anon apologize to her for what happen.

But Essi still insist to read Anon's mind and she found 5 kinds of memories from Anon's mind.

(In this part you must not choose memory 2 or else you will not get the good ending) 

                                      Anon's Memories

                There is a recent memory on Anon's past that wil reveal the death of Yuon's father..

In this part, Loil found Anon wandering in the school and Scid asked that no one is allowed to go in here except if he/she is a student.He said that he knows all of the students studying in here and he asked the intention of Anon for hacking their school's site and faking his student I.D.
Anon said that this school is the only clue he has to gain his memory back....then Scid accused him as a killer and tried to kill him but Anon doesn't want to be killed so he protected himself to the point that he used his powers on Scid that cause his death.

Essi doesn't know what to do. She realized that she just opened a Pandora Box. She was repentant on her behavior. She went to the her favorite place to keep her calm and Rexus saw her . He gave an advice on Essi so that she can continue her path.

Essi suddenly remembered the time her mother and her went to Pegasus Park. She wanted a balloon so her mother gave her three balloons because here is no black balloon.

The balloons had escape her hands because she did not receive the balloon that she wanted. Her mother got angry to her and teach her a good lesson that she can use in the future.

She decided to help Anon and she decided to go to school again at night to figure out everything .

She saw that there is a hidden door in the Science Lab and she saw a  case. She try to unlock it and solve this problem with the use of the USB drive( Miss Acia left on her after she died).

In the flash drive, Essi found out that because of X, Scid's son has died and after that Scid became radical especially when conducting experiments on X. Before he is a good man with a good intention but now, he wants to revenge his son's death by conducting so much experiments on him.

 Emma (Essi's mother) saw this treatment on X. She decided that he is no longer Scid and the man she knew.

When Anon saw what happen to his past, he suddenly disappear. Essi found him on the highest level of the building. He is going to commit suicide again.
 Essi tried to stop him but if one of them will not be released... both of them will die even so She did not listen on Anon's warnings. Both of them lost the balance and fall.

          Anon wants to save Essi so he used his power to protect her from danger. They are now floating in the sky. Although Anon had a hit a while ago, it doesn't affect him because he can heal himself. Rexus helped them to escape. Anon used his telepathy to go to other places without being seen.
Essi and Anon in Egypt

Essi and Anon


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