Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wind and the Wing


You have everything in life except the thing called "LOVE"...from your parents and to your boyfriend.On your way home, you bump to a cold looking guy who gives you a mystery code to solve then a man suddenly appears to your school proclaiming that he knows all about you....(can you accept it..???) and an unexpected twist happen when you saw a little girl in your door announcing that you are now a player in the ALICE GAME because of him..???? (who's he..??)

Chapter 1: Unseen Dimension

                      Ah! At last the smell of rainy season is here. I can hear the sound of the rain on my window and the cool breeze of the wind on my skin. Well as usual, I feel a little sleepy all of a sudden. I went to my bed because I thought that my body needs to rest but my mind is still full of stupid memories that I tried to forget. Of course it's all about him. I left him without settling our misunderstanding. He left me many messages but I just ignore it. I know that I am wrong and I feel guilty and ashamed of myself. I wished that I've never known and met him.
             Time flies by and I am about to finish my last year in high school. Before I graduate I went to different universities with my friends to look for my course (Information Technology). My best friend Amy decided to become a nurse while the others try to look for more opportunities.... I decided to become an IT because of my too much obsession in computer. I was on my way back home when I smell a very strong fragrant. It suddenly gives me headache and dizziness. I accidentally bump the guy at my back. He looks at me from head to toe with a blank expression. I know that I saw him before but my mind is not functioning well for now so I took a glimpse of his looks. He is totally cool, hot and handsome but I know that something is off here... I just can't figure it out so I intend to continue walking. Before I step forward I said...
       "I'm sorry and please excuse me."
He said something weird...some kind of a different language. I look back to him then I saw him putting a smile on his cold face. My heart started to beat fast and my cheeks become red. I don't want him to misunderstand me or something else... so I walk a little bit fast. My cheeks are still blushing when I reach my house. As I expected my parents are not here because of their work so darkness and loneliness fills my home. I want to understand them but I can't because I also have my own limitation. I went to my room after I ate my dinner and decided to look for the meaning of the word he said. I try to search it on the internet and to my surprise nothing came up. I feel unsatisfied so I try to look on dictionaries, encyclopedias and other books but still nothing came up so I give a call on my smartest friend, Marian.
"Hello Marian...Are you still awake???" I asked.
Marian answered me curiously."Yeah...Why are you calling me in the middle of the night???"
I replied to her."I'm terribly sorry for disturbing you...It's just that, can you define this word for me ...please? I already search the meaning in books like dictionaries and also in the internet and nothing came up...You know you’re my smartest friend? So I decided to seek help from you. Can you help me???"
She hangs the line so I decided to call her again.
"Hello Marian???Are you still there??? I promise I will not disturb you again!! I swear...” I plead.
After 10 minutes she answers me again...
"Ok, I will help you so just please stop calling me again and can you please lower voice!! mom can hear you, you know...!!! By the way what is that stupid word??" she asked.
I answered her..
"I'm sorry ...ahmm, the word is *Tnecconi Dloob*"
Marian said “Are you sure it's a word??? I think that's a jumbled word or something because I never encounter a word like that except in games. Anyway just try to encode it okay? And stop disturbing my beauty sleep so that I will help you tomorrow. Plus remember to avoid calling me in the middle of the night because it irritates me and I don’t want to be scolded by mom because of you....!"
After listening to her complaints, I thanked her and turn off the phone. I am still curious about that word so I try to encode it a countless times before I go to sleep then when I felt that my eyes are dead tired I already gave up after 30 minutes of thinking. Then I take a bath and to my surprise I saw something suspicious on my closet-my favorite book when I was a child. As far as I can remember my late grandmother gave me this before she died. She used to read this when I am lonely or sad. The only problem is I didn’t know where I throw the key or the password behind the lock. I am so stupid at that time when this book arrived. I throw all the things at my boyfriend because I saw her having an affair in our neighborhood after that incident I agreed to my parents to go abroad. I still cannot forgive him "my first love". I try to open it and then I saw a note which accidentally slips off in the book. When I took it the note says...................

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