Friday, March 2, 2012


This anime is Another.

An honor student named "Misaki" died and past away before the class graduation.Eveyone is shocked. Including her fellow classmates, friends,teachers and also their principal.It is very unfortunate because she will not graduate, let's just say that Bad Omen is bestowed upon her. One day her fellow student said " Misaki is not DEAD. She's here! She is sitting on her chair." Then another student replied "Yeah, your right she's here!"Eveyone believe that Misaki is not Dead"...Well because of that Class 3 is closer to DEATH

Episode 1 (Sobyō" (素描) )

Spring  1998 
Kouichi Sakakibara
These are the representatives on school who greet him.
  A student named  Kouichi Sakakibara (15 years old ) transferred to Yomiyama Kita Middle School. On the first episode he is on hospital.There are three students who visited him. They are the representatives of the school which he will be transferring. They introduce themselves to him and greet him a WARM WELCOME because he was absent on the first day of school.

When his classmates leave. He went  on the elevator to answer the call of his dad. He was shocked when he saw Misaki Mei. Well Mei is some kind different from other students at her age.She is going in the second basement to deliver something on her other poor behalf. (The second basement of the hospital is MORGUE)
He thought that the class is weird because they are acting like they don't know she doesn't exist.When he attend the class,he try asking his classmates if they know her (Mei) but everybody kept their tongue shut.  When he is asking Yukari about Mei ,she pretended that she doesn't know what he is talking about then he saw  Mei on the rooftop.He went upstairs to ask Mei about yesterday.(Why is she doing in the second basement?) Mei answered, " I came to deliver  because something sad happened yesterday." Then she said to Sakakibara," THEY HAVEN'T TOLD YOU?  YOUR NAME IS ASSOCIATED TO DEATH BUT NOT JUST ONLY DEATH..A CRUEL, IRRATIONAL DEATH THAT TOOK PLACE AT THIS SCHOOL. THIS SCHOOL IS CLOSE TO DEATH ESPECIALLY NINTH GRADE CLASS 3"

 Mei warns him to not to try to be closer to him. On his way home he sees Mei looking in the raining sky.
Sakakibara meets Misaki Mei


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