Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Certified or Closet Otaku..???

L and Light
Jigoku Shoujo

                               These are one of my Favorite Anime that I’ve watch. Actually when I was a child I just want to play and play. I hate watching TV when it is NOT an Anime or Cartoon. The first cartoon that I like is Bugs Bunny and the other Looney Tunes characters like tweety bird while the first anime that I watch is Astro Boy. After that I get hooked by this stuff. Some say, “This is bad if you get too much addiction to it.” As a child I just ignore their words and continue liking anime until I am satisfied.

 Looney Tunes are funny and I like it because it makes me laugh as if my lungs are out... In some circumstances, my mother always said that Cartoon and Anime are the same but I am always against it because there are differences right?
Cool isn’t it? This is my Desktop on our computer. When Megaupload was deleted because of SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) downloading anime and other movie became a hard for me. Most of the sites that I know are connected to Megaupload..It is really troublesome for us but I still can’t let go of my addiction to Anime. Most of our hard drive are composed of Anime Videos, Anime Series,Anime Pictures and lastly Anime Music or J pop music. Whenever I listen to J pop my mom always ask me the same
question over and over “Do you understand that song ?”….I just laugh and put a cute smile so that she will stop bothering me..Hahaha..
                Well I am a certified manga Addict also..Do you know Dengeki Daisy, The World God Only Knows, and Dear My Girls etc.???
Dengeki Daisy

The World God Only Knows    

Dear My Girls
                  I like reading this stuff because it serves as a guide line for me when I feel like I want to draw. I also love how they draw the characters and their shading… All I can say is; THIS WORK IS GOOD, REALLY NICE...! WILL COUNTINUE SUPPORTING YOUR MANGA AS YOUR NUMBER ONE READER!!! But as I grow, things change quite a bit. In the past I am really hooked to these things but now, I considerate things before I took decisions. I prioritize studies before anime but I will never forget how I love Anime. I truly shout out I AM A CERTIFIED OTAKU!!!!


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