Friday, March 2, 2012

Jigoku Shoujo

Jigoku Shoujo

Hotline to hell


Who wants to send to hell your enemy..?Once you agree to the contract you will be given a straw doll with a red sting on it's neck once you pull it your enemy will be sent immediately to HELL but when your time comes..your soul will never be delivered in heaven, Enma Ai will take your soul to hell when you die.
You need to access the site by midnight with anger then you will write the name of the person whom you  despise most then Enter.
Enma Ai will give you a straw doll and she will said:
"My name is Ai, you summoned me."

"This is for you."

"If you truly wish revenge, just untie the scarlet thread from his neck, pulling this thread will bind you into the covenant with me."
"I will ferry the soul of your tormentor straight into the depths of hell, however, once vengeance is served, you will have to deliver on your end of the bargain."
"There always has to be a price."
"When you die, your soul will also belong to hell, you will never know the joys of heaven, you will be left to wander through a world made of pain and agony for all of eternity."
"The decision rests... with you." 
When you  pull the string..Enma ai will exact the revenge that u want ..Then she ferry someone to Hell(by a small wooden canoe) she will said:

"Oh pitiful shadow lost in the darkness,
Bringing torment and pain to others,
Oh damned soul wallowing in your sin,
Perhaps it is time to die."


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